Tax Preparation & Planning

Individual and business tax planning is a complex process that is unique to each individual, family, and business. Tax planning works in tandem with other elements such as starting a family, moving, and eventually retiring. We work hard to achieve the most tax-efficient strategy unique to your circumstance. We understand that life changes quickly and we are here to work with you to appropriately plan your tax strategy.

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Business Consulting

To assist your company we offer comprehensive and strategic business consultation. We educate small and starting businesses on the various tax and accounting issues that they are likely to face. We provide direct consultation support for small business owners helping them craft unique and efficient business practices that can not only save money but also improve their bottom line. Enlisting Wilshire Consulting Partners LLC. as your trusted advisor can help your business adapt for further savings.

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Outsourced & Virtual Bookkeeping Services

As a small business owner you have more important things to do than to keep your own books. We believe that your time is best spent managing your business and not doing business management. By offering a full-variety of outsourced accounting services, we will become your business accounting department. This allows us to handle all of your account needs.

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